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How to Start Dropshipping on Reddit?

Cheryl • Start Dropshipping

Dec 04,2020 13 min read

how to start dropshipping on reddit

Expanding your marketing coverage or network is a great way to increase your customer base and generate more sales. On social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and perhaps LinkedIn are the major platforms used for social media marketing today. However, there are several other untapped resources on the internet as much as you'd find beneath the ocean. Reddit is a typical example. In this article, we introduce Reddit as a social media marketing tool for dropshipping and tips on dropshipping Reddit successfully.


Reddit is one of the largest social media marketing platforms in the world. Although it holds the position of the number 6 most visited platforms in the US and number 17 in the world yet it is the most underutilized social media marketing platform. Mind you, Reddit surpasses both LinkedIn and Twitter in daily traffic – this platform sounds like an unexplored goldmine. Reddit is a unique social network that works pretty differently from other social networks. Therefore, you need to learn an entirely new strategy if you are to make this platform bring the desired result for your dropshipping business.



How Does Reddit Work for Dropshipping?

Many people share similar interests and ask a wide range of questions on different topics on Reddit. When it comes to shopify dropshipping Reddit, you can use Reddit for the following:


1. Use Reddit to Look for Best Dropshipping Products

If you are looking for the best dropshipping products Reddit, you can count on the Reddit communities. Reddit is not to be mistaken with Craigslist. Reddit comprises thousands of individual communities carved around hundreds of thousands of topics or interests. You can subscribe to any community of your choice that talks about what you are looking for.


2. Use Reddit to Find Dropshipping Suppliers

You will find a lot of dropshipping suppliers Reddit through the communities. Thousands of dropshipping suppliers use Reddit as an internet forum to showcase their business. And since Reddit is a trustworthy platform, online retailers can utilize this platform to their advantage.


3. Use Reddit to Market Your Dropshipping Store (Paid advertising)

Just as you have paid Facebook advertising, you can also market your dropshipping store via Reddit. For instance, if you run a toy store, the toy subreddit is your best bet. You can post pictures of your products and get ready to get massive sales on your store.


4. Use Reddit to Solve Problems About Dropshipping (Q&A)

Because of the voting system on Reddit, you can answer questions relating to dropshipping in different topics and communities. If people find your answers relevant and information, they will upvote your comment and will be excited to visit your profile.



How to Dropship on Reddit Successfully?

If you plan on dropshipping on Reddit, the following best practice should be adopted.


1. Become a member first

Before anything else, you will need to sign up for a Reddit account. It is free! When choosing a username, pick one that includes a personal name and your brand keyword. Redditors (a registered user of the Reddit website) love to interact more with people who real people and not accounts that are created to promote products or services. So you have to be authentic and protect the interest of the community before marketing your products. Every community has rules so get ready to learn how to post, discover what type of content to engage your audience, discover how things work so you won't violate the T & Cs of the platform.


2. Build your feed

Check out the profiles of the recommended communities and look at how they organize things. Take note of their keywords, content title, images used, and other information that might be relevant to your brand. Start doing what they are doing to succeed and don't be afraid of improving on their strategy to even better them.


3. Share original content and engage in a genuine way

Duplicating what you do on Facebook on Reddit is like fitting a round peg in a square hole – you won't achieve anything. You can afford to post random content on Facebook and get likes and comments but strangely, this doesn't work on Reddit. Creating a piece of interesting and engaging post solely targeted at your Reddit audience will unlock new sets of fans for your brands. Use upvotes and comments as parameters to calculate your progress.


4. Post more than you promote

Like I stated earlier, Redditors are more inclined to relate with real people who contribute to daily needs, not promoters. As such, you are expected to post or contribute 80% of the time and promote your brand 20% of the time. That ratio can be adjusted depending on your content and your target community.


5. Set up a TrackReddit account to receive alerts

TrackReddit is an automated system that, when activated, will send you alerts whenever Redditors engage in conversations around topics that contain your chosen keywords or phrases. This allows you to quickly respond to conversations relating to your brand.


6. Learn from the Reddit community

As a unique platform, Reddit expects its users to learn from its community. A good way to know what your target community finds engaging is to browse your feed and start contributing to different topics and posts. Valuable comments and answers attract higher upvotes which in turn, will make people interested in visiting your profile. This way, you will also get a sense of what your audience like and streamline your next posts to suit their preference.


7. No shortcuts!

If you intend using shortcuts for dropshipping success Reddit, just forget it. Reddit won't tolerate fake accounts, undisclosed paid sponsors, and employee upvoting requirements.


8. Consistency is crucial!

The guarantee of finding instant success on social media is very slim. It takes time to build an active and targeted audience on any social media platform. So you need to learn the act of patience and consistency. A lot of marketers reduce the number of posts just because they are not getting instant results. No, successful dropshipping retailers play the long game. Remember Reddit is an advanced organic marketing platform that will be beneficial to your brand in the long run. Take your time to figure out what subreddits want and create a marketing strategy for it.




With these dropshipping 2021 Reddit tricks, we hope you better understand the platform and how to start a dropshipping business Reddit. Always remember that Reddit is an outreach tool; it should not replace the need to utilize other social media platforms. A combination of all social media platforms gives your dropshipping business a competitive edge.

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