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Marketing Tips for Dropshipping: Understanding Target Market

Sierra • Digital Marketing

Oct 17,2021 16 min read

target market


Dropshipping can be one of the most profitable businesses in the market today. You can earn a significant income by selling any products to your potential customers. However, you need to know how to market your products to your customers before you can achieve your success with the dropshipping business. You need to learn more about how to define target market, so you can maximize your marketing efforts efficiently.



What is Target Market? 

A target market is a group of potential clients that you can target for selling your products or services. You are going to focus your marketing efforts on targeting any of these customers. All potential customers in your target market will have similar characteristics, such as buying power, buying geography, income, etc. You need to understand all of these details from the target market definition before you can start promoting any products or services to these potential customers. Identifying this target market will be an important step for you who want to develop a good marketing plan for your business. You can deliver the best target marketing strategies to target any of your customers in the right target market group.



Types of Target Market

When you define the target market for your business, you need to understand all the different types of market segmentation that are available today. You have to learn about some of these market segmentation types, especially if you want to be successful with your marketing efforts. Market segmentation can be divided into these categories.


a. Demographic segmentation

It is one of the most common types of segmentation used by many business owners. When you are planning to segment your market based on the demographic, you are going to use the statistical data about a group of your potential customers. Some examples of the demographic segmentation can be created based on gender, age, location, income, annual income, ethnicity, education, family situation, etc. 


Here is the target market example for this segmentation. When you have a vehicle or car manufacturer that sells luxury car brands (for example, Lexus or Maserati), you are going to target people who have a high income. These people have a higher chance of purchasing any luxury cars. It will be effective when you target these people for selling your luxury cars.


b. Psychographic segmentation

This is another popular type of target market segmentation that you can use for your business. In this segmentation method, you are going to categorize your audience and potential customers based on any factors that are related to their characteristics and personalities. This segmentation is more difficult to identify than the demographic segmentation because all factors in this segmentation are subjective. You need to have deep research for understanding and uncovering all of these factors. Some factors in this segmentation include values, attitudes, interests, lifestyle, motivation, priorities, subconscious beliefs, conscious beliefs, personality traits, etc.


For example, when you are planning to sell home accessories or kitchen supplies to your customers, you need to know their lifestyle or motivation. You can target some people who are motivated to do the best for their family. People with a good relationship in the family tend to have good intentions for buying any home accessories or kitchen supplies. They usually want to make some improvements for creating a comfortable environment in their home. 


c. Behavioral segmentation

If you are interested in creating the best target marketing systems for your potential customers, you may want to take a look at this segmentation. It requires you to know all of your customer's actions. Some examples of this behavioral segmentation include spending habits, purchasing habits, user status, and also brand interactions. These activities can relate to how your customers can interact with your brand and any other activities from your company.


For example, you can target people who have already purchased similar products in the last 2 – 3 years. You can also use the lead marketing process for getting a lot of leads for your business. When your leads sign up for any of your free events, such as webinars, etc, they show interest in your products or services. You can follow the Amazon target market strategies that can implement this segmentation procedure very accurately. Amazon monitors all of its users' behaviors for improving its sales and conversion rate on its website. 


d. Geographic segmentation

Geographic segmentation can be considered as one of the simplest types of the target market. It is going to categorize your customers based on geographic borders. This segmentation can be divided based on some factors, such as city, zip code, country, climate, a radius around a specific location, urban or rural, etc. People in similar locations usually have some similarities in characteristics, buying habits, etc.


For example, when you target people who live in 4-season countries, you can sell some warm clothes, such as jackets, socks, gloves, and some other useful accessories. These products will be useful for people who want to buy the best accessories for the winter season. Promoting the right products to these people can increase the overall conversion rate in your store. 



Best Target Market Strategies

a. Find some characteristics of your target market

After you find some potential customers for your business, you may want to learn about their interests, income, characteristics, etc. Dividing your target market into several segments can be as simple as dividing the potential customers into several groups. These groups can be classified based on key characteristics. These characteristics can be based on income level, age, gender, race, religion, education, marital status, buying habit, geographic location, etc.


b. Use those characteristics to arrange your marketing plan

The target market will be your central focus in creating your marketing plan. You can keep your target market in mind when determining your distribution channels, price of the products, promotion offers, and any other important details from your marketing campaign. Every marketing strategy needs to be documented and monitored. It is a good idea for you to use the best analytics tools, so you can check the best and most efficient marketing plans for your business.


c. Start promoting any products to your customers.

Once you find the right target market for your business, you can consider finding some popular products for your target market. Dropshipping can be the best and easiest way for you who want to provide products for your potential customers. You don't need to have all products in stock when you want to offer the best products for your customers. One of the most popular dropshipping suppliers on the market is the SaleYee dropshipping platform. This company has more than 30,000 products to sell in your store. All of your orders from your potential customers can be handled and delivered directly from their warehouses.




Once you can find the right target market for your business, you will be able to boost your sales and performance in your store. Finding the right target market is very useful to help you increase the efficiency of your marketing efforts in your company.


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