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Automatically upload tracking number

Notice of Tracking No. Auto-upload Rules on SaleYee Platform

Here are some related rules about auto-uploading tracking number on SaleYee platform. Please read it carefully, which is very important for you.

1. Once the auto-uploading function is enabled, the tacking number will be automatically uploaded by the system every 30 minutes and you can check the related records on Platform sync orders.

2. If the Upload tracking number before shipment checkbox is selected, then the tracking number will be automatically uploaded to the third party platforms before the order is shipped, which will be updated every 30 minutes. Please take it VERY seriously to avoid adverse effect due to the changes of tracking number.

3. If the Upload tracking number before shipment checkbox is not selected, only when the orders are shipped and generate tracking number will the system upload the tracking number to the third party platforms. In this case, the tracking number will not be changed or updated.

4. You can set the effective time to auto upload orders for different stores, which starts from the next day when the orders are paid. During the effective time, the tracking number will be automatically uploaded by the system. For example, the effective time is set as one work day. And if the order was paid at 10:56:21 on August 21st in 2019, then the tracking number would not be automatically uploaded after 23:59:59 on August 22nd in 2019. The default effective is 7 work days and you can adjust it according to your needs.

Notice: Once you’ve enabled the auto-upload function, it means that you’ve learned and accepted all possible risks mentioned above.
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