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Payments Withdrawal How do I withdraw the balance from my account?

How do I withdraw the balance from my account?

1.You can withdraw the balance in Billing - My balance - Withdraw

2.Choose your withdrawal method and fill in the withdrawal amount and enter your payment password

Example of withdrawal with Payoneer:

Example of withdrawal with bank:*When you choose to withdraw by bank transfer, please fill in the required information, including account name/bank name/SWIFT code, and other optional bank information such as bank code/branch code/address, etc. (personal accounts are not supported by bank transfer for withdrawal)

3.After the withdrawal, your withdrawal status will be in "Pending review", and the review will be completed in 3-5 business days.

4.When your withdrawal status is "Approved", the platform will make a withdrawal for you, when the withdrawal order is in"paying", the withdrawal has been completed, and will be credited within 15 business days.

5.When the status of your withdrawal order is "Withdrawal completed", withdrawalis completed.

6.If the status of your withdrawal order is "Not approved", you can click "Check the reason" to check the specific reasons, there are two situations:

--The original withdrawal account information has not been completed

--The withdrawal account is unavailable for collection

6.1 The original withdrawal account information has not been completed

6.1.1 If your withdrawal is not approved because "The original withdrawal account information has not been completed", please click on "Edit " to update the withdrawal information;

6.1.2 Click "Submit" after adding information
Example of withdrawal with Payoneer:

Example of withdrawal with bank:

6.1.3 Withdrawal information completed

6.2 The withdrawal account is unavailable for collection

6.2.1 Click on "Edit " to update the withdrawal information;

6.2.2 Original payment account information verification: The current payment account is unable to receive payments and requires you to verify your account to ensure the safety of your account.

6.2.3 Upload a screenshot of your account background or provide screenshot of bank statements;

6.2.4 To verify the information of the account owner, please provide the owner’s ID
Individual account needs to provide personal identification with photo, such as ID card, passport, driver's license, etc.

Business account provides business registration certificate or certificate of registration:

6.2.5 Information verification for new withdrawal accounts
*For new recipient accounts, please provide a screenshot of the account information (screenshot with account information) or a screenshot of the bank statement (for bank transfers)

Example of withdrawal with Payoneer:

Example of withdrawal with bank:

6.2.6 After submitting the information of your account profile, the withdrawal will be made for you after the review and approval, which will take 3-5 business days, please wait patiently.

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