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eBay Seller Hub: All Features that Sellers Should Be Using

Cheryl • Sell on eBay

Apr 30,2021 13 min read

Sellers on eBay store need to face some challenges from time to time, and it is because of regular changes in the platform. Some changes are limits of selling for newbies, and direct printing of international shipping labels by the eBay.


The eBay seller hub or better to say Seller Dashboard where you can get information about its marketplace. It is one place to manage and grow your online business!


Many sellers are not happy with the introduction of Defect rates! Also, new sellers have to face Paypal 21-day hold, and sellers cannot leave any adverse feedback for the buyers. So, to make things easier for every seller, eBay has come up with a seller dashboard or Seller Hub. 



What is eBay Seller Hub?

The hub can help sellers to streamline all their tasks, information, and activities in a single portal. A great approach to empower sellers on the eBay store! After all, it can simplify the overall process of managing an eBay seller account.


Hub contains many tools and features to help ease out and enhance your future sales. It is as powerful as using the Selling Manager Pro, Selling Manager, or My eBay. It has a complete set of selling tools to ensure better deals of 'buy it now' and 'auctions.'


As a seller, you can check your performance and make it better by following the essential tips and guidelines for sellers from eBay. It is an excellent effort by eBay to motivate their sellers and help them in ease of doing their business.


Thus, it can give sellers complete insights and the current status of their accounts and sales on eBay. You can identify and correct the issues that are there on your listings. Next, we will check out some more benefits of using the eBay Seller Hub.



9 Helpful Features of eBay Store Seller Hub

If you are having any doubt about why you should use Seller Hub, then here are the reasons:


1) Guidance to Improve your Selling

You can not only try your luck doing business on eBay but also to learn and improve your selling skills. The Hub's dashboard will provide you with all the necessary and valuable information required for you to gain more sales on eBay.


A seller can make better decisions by analyzing the outputs of the insights shown there. Hence, all in all, the seller hub can help you to build more robust strategies regarding the promotions and marketing of your listed products.


2) Assistance in Shipping

After shipping the products, every seller has a risk of order cancellation or returns until the product will reach and accepted by the buyer. It can be due to many reasons! Hence, shipping plays a crucial role in the whole process of a sale.


So to ease such stress of Sellers, Hub can display all the required shipping details regarding order on the dashboard. It can additionally help one to take the print-outs of invoices in bulk, access eBay labels, and add tracking numbers.


3) Managing an Order

There might be two possibilities with an order, either it will be completed successfully or would be canceled ahead. In both cases, the hub can help you to serve your buyer in the better way possible so that it won’t affect your image negatively. Thus, it provides all the details about an order in one place. You can handle your product returns from there and also the fast cancellation relisting.


4) Promotions and Accessibility

The Hub can help a seller to have full control over the eBay tools available and useful to ease the job of doing business online. It can also help you to use the facilities like automated feedback and inventory control. You can get the complete details about the traffic of your listings. In this way, you can further plan for promotions of your listings for better sales figures.


5) Custom Dashboard

If you are uncomfortable with using the default dashboard of eBay Seller Hub, then you can customize the screen as per your need and preference. Hence, in this manner, you can focus on all the things that you like to keep yourself updated with what’s happening on your seller profile.


It includes sales analysis, past listing activity, and other helpful trackable stuff. Every time whenever you wish to update yourself with the status of your seller account, you only need to give a quick look at the dashboard.


6) Cancel Listings

Selling things on eBay store is more comfortable like never before. But, at the same time, you need to prepare yourself to face some issues with some orders, depending upon the type of buyer you are handling.


Many times you need to dig into your past listings to search about any canceled order. Now to make it easier from the hub’s main screen, you can enter your cancellation and returns orders listings page via Orders tab. So, you do not need to waste time accessing and manage them even after some months.


7) Manage the Listings

If you want to make your sales figure better, then you have to better manage your listings about the products that you want to sell out. In the hub, you will be having all the control over your listings, either it is 'buy it now' or for 'auction'. There are specific tools available there to help you edit your listings as you would like to without moving here and there.


8) Promote your eBay Seller Account

Under the marketing tab, you will get all the options and tools required to promote your seller account as a brand on eBay. You can market your listings in front of broader audiences.


Hence, you can attract your new potential buyers by running special promotions. As a seller, you can upload and set your logo and create a better profile of your seller brand.


9) Manage the Sales

You can access the menu option to obtain some essential details necessary to maintain your seller authority on eBay. It includes messages, list of orders having pending shipments or payments, sales figures of last month, and forecast of your seller eBay store levels. You can also see the summary of any feedback, something that any of your buyers has posted for you!




If you are a seller or planning to sell on eBay, then you must be well familiar with using the Seller Hub dashboard. It is a user friendly and powerful tool that can ease the management of your sales, and you can improve it by making better decisions.


Also, you can come to know about any mistakes that you are doing until now to make enough sales than your potential. You can update yourself anytime with the critical metrics about your eBay seller account. Overall, it can act as an arsenal to help you enhance your selling!


By the way, you can use the helpful features of Sellers Hub free of cost. You can easily access it on your mobile or web browser. At least, it can help you to learn how to sell stuff online and make profits smartly!

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